
Recyclopedia: Can I recycle it?

Smart Recycling Guide

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Empty and rinse all containers
No plastic bags, plastic wrap, or recycling in plastic bags
If in doubt, check the Recyclopedia for specific items

In The Bin

Every recycling program in Massachusetts accepts the items below.
Make sure they are empty and clean.

Image shows different types of metal cans

Metal Food & Beverage Cans

Empty and rinse

Image shows different types of plastic bottles

Plastic Bottles, Jars, Jugs & Tubs

Empty and replace cap

Image shows different types of glass bottles and jars

Glass Bottles & Jars

Empty and rinse

Image shows different types of paper and cardboard

Paper & Cardboard

Empty and flatten

Not In The Bin

Many items you’d think belong in your recycling bin don’t.
Putting them in does more harm than good. Not sure? Check the Recyclopedia.

Image shows recyclables in a plastic bag

Do Not Bag Recyclables

No garbage

No Plastic Bags or Plastic Wrap

Return to retail store collection bins

No Food or Liquid

Empty all containers

No Clothing or Linens

Use donation programs

Image shows tangled wires

No Tanglers

No hoses, wires, chains
or electronics

No Hazardous Items

No propane tanks, batteries,
sharps, or chemicals