Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-palooza!

In honor of the 23rd  anniversary of America Recycles Day on November 15 (and a do-over for Earth Day), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has compiled a month of informative programming we’re calling Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-palooza! Because why celebrate just one day in November, when you can celebrate for the entire month?  
RRRecycle-palooza will feature useful information to get you and your community pumped about smart recycling.  If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got a good grasp of recycling basics. But there’s more than meets the eye in the wonderful world of trash and recycling. Which is why we think you’ll learn alot by attending one of these free webinars offered by a Massachusetts “recycling professional” (yup, that’s a thing).  Even better, bring a friend or family member, a student, or a senior citizen and help broaden their understanding of how recycling, composting, and reuse are all part of a critical system to reduce our impact on the planet and improve our local communities. Tune in on Monday, November 16 and/or Wednesday, November 18 for two different presentations. They are FREE and open to anyone. Registration is required. Spread the word!

Waste Reduction and Why it Matters
November 16, 2020 (2:00 pm – 3:15 pm)
This presentation is for anyone who wants to understand the magnitude of our trash problem (both locally and globally).  Learn what is being done, what’s still needed, and most importantly how you can help! Diminishing trash disposal capacity in Massachusetts is just one compelling reason why we need to rethink our trash habits.  Did you know…
  • That all landfills in Mass will be closed by 2030 and that the seven municipal waste combustors in the state are operating at or near capacity now?
  • That more than 50% of what we are currently throwing away can be reduced, reused, recycled or composted!
  • That the state has established very aggressive goals to reduce the waste we generate?
  • That our consumption contributes to climate change?
Tune into this informative presentation to learn more about how the Commonwealth is working to reduce the amount of trash we send to landfill and incineration.
Talking Trash and Recycling
November 18, 2020 (7:00 pm – 8:15 pm)
Are you confused about what should go in your trash barrel and what should go in your recycling bin?  Find out what happens to your trash and recyclables here in Massachusetts.  You will learn how to reduce the amount of trash you generate, improve your recycling habits, make easy changes to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, and help the Commonwealth of Massachusetts achieve its solid waste reduction goals.

For a full list of the Recycle-palooza events, see:
2020 MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-palooza 


Every Monday in November, we will be posting weekly recycling challenges (#RSMAweeklychallenge) on our FacebookInstagram, and Twitter pages, so be sure to follow Recycle Smart MA and share our content!   Please help spread the word by sharing them with your networks! </div<

Partner Spotlight: Halifax Beautification Committee

HBC Committee members with their Litter Buster of the Year, Shirley Graf. Left to right: Kristen Lofstrom, Jeanne Kling, Shirley Graf, Amy Troup, Michelle Barclay, Adrian Barclay

This month, we’re excited to feature the Halifax Beautification Committee (HBC) as our Partner Spotlight for their inspiring clean up events, trash and recycling education, and more! The HBC recruits residents to participate in town-wide events like the Halifax Spring and Fall Clean Ups. The most recent event was a huge success with over 100 participants removing enough trash from roadways to fill 2.5 dumpsters! These “super volunteers” even removed items that were dumped into the East Monponsett Pond.

One of the most celebrated changes led by the HBC so far was the passing of the Town of Halifax’s Reusable Bag By-Law, which bans distribution of plastic bags at all businesses in Halifax.  HBC even offered free reusable bags for a time to help residents get in the habit of bringing their own bag.

HBC’s success can be traced back to a specific part of their mission: motivating citizens to take a small part in helping. “We hope to encourage residents to make positive choices for the environment,” says Committee Chair Jeanne Kling, “which includes reducing the amount of waste they produce.”

HBC works hard to promote smart recycling practices through their Facebook page, where they share recycling tips, link to the Recyclopedia, and re-share Recycle Smart MA social posts; through their email list, by forwarding newsletters from Recycle Smart MA and Keep MA Beautiful; and through the Plympton-Halifax Express. Want to see more? Follow them on Facebook or ask to join their email list!

What We're Reading 📚:

Proposed Waste Ban Amendments

MassDEP is accepting public comment through December 4, 2020

MassDEP is proposing amendments to 310 CMR 19.000 that would add mattresses and textiles to the list of materials banned from disposal in Massachusetts and lower the threshold for the existing ban on disposal of commercial organic (food) materials so that it applies to facilities that generate one-half a ton per week or more of these materials for disposal. 

Notice: English | Español | 中文 | ភាសាខ្មែរ | Kreyòl Ayisyen | Português | Tiếng Việt
Virtual Public Hearings: November 9 & 12, 2020
Public Comment Period: Ends December 4, 2020

More at:

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle On – 

The Recycle Smart Team at MassDEP