Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-Palooza!
The Second Annual
Reduce, Reuse,
From the story behind what happens to your plastic bags and wrap after they are collected at the grocery store, to local recycling volunteers who can’t help but inspire, this year’s presentations will not disappoint. In addition, we will offer two “Ask Me Anything About Recycling in MA” webinars to – you guessed it – answer questions about proper recycling. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to ask any of those burning recycling questions!
Lastly, you’ll want to keep an eye on our social media platforms. Every Monday in November, we will be posting a new recycling fact (#RSMARecyclingFacts) on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, so be sure to follow Recycle Smart MA and share our content!
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
7:00PM – 8:15PM
Talking Trash and Recycling
Audience – General Public
Are you confused about what should go in your trash barrel and what should go in your recycling bin? Learn what really happens to your trash and recyclables here in Massachusetts. You will learn ways to reduce the amount of trash you generate, improve your recycling habits, make easy changes to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, and help the Commonwealth of Massachusetts achieve its solid waste reduction goals.
Monday, November 15, 2021
7:00PM – 8:00PM
Ask Me Anything about Recycling in MA
Audience – General Public
Ever wonder what we really mean when we say “clean and dry?” Unsure what to do with your loose bottle caps? Have a burning question about a specific type of plastic bag? This is the webinar for you! The team at Recycle Smart MA are excited to host an hour of Ask Me Anything about Recycling in MA. We’ll briefly discuss the history behind RSMA, our mission, some of our resources, and then we’ll get right into the Q&A. Join by registering at the link below. Space is limited for this evening session!
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Be Inspired! Volunteers Leading the Way in Waste Reduction
Audience – General Public
Please join us as we celebrate the work of local volunteers who inspire us to make a difference in our communities. Get a taste of their success stories, including:
- A teenager’s work enabling policy changes, specifically Northampton’s Plastic Reduction Ordinance
- Organizing a Toy Exchange
- Hearing how two volunteers can do a simple and fun Garden Pot Exchange
- Driving the efforts to bring Food Waste Composting to businesses and residents, coupled with mandatory composting
- Planning for Zero Waste at community events and festivals through recycling and composting
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Ask Me Anything About Recycling in MA
Audience – General Public
Ever wonder what we really mean when we say “clean and dry?” Unsure about that bottle cap? Have a burning question about a specific type of plastic bag? This is the webinar for you! The team at Recycle Smart MA are excited to host an hour of Ask Me Anything about Recycling in MA. We’ll briefly discuss the history behind RSMA, our mission, some of our resources, and then we’ll get right into the Q&A. Join by registering at the link below. Space is limited for this lunch and learn session!
Thursday, November 18, 2021
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Mystery Revealed: The Story of Plastic Bag Recycling
Audience – General Public
You are not alone if you have asked yourself these questions: What happens to the plastic bags we take back to the store for recycling? Where do they go and why is this the best way to recycle plastic bags and wrap?
Join us to learn why plastic bags and wrap have value when collected separately and why they are collected at stores. We promise they are not getting thrown out! Hear from the experts and follow your recycled bags from the grocery store to new products that you won’t believe! Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind presentation.
Partner Spotlight: Our Municipal Partners

This month, we want to recognize our Recycle Smart MA municipal partners for doing right by their residents throughout the “unprecedented” past two years. Thank you to these cities and towns for continuing to spread the Recycle Smart message – we appreciate you!
Are you a Recycle Smart MA Partner? If you’re a municipality, business, community organization, or school, sign up here and don’t forget to browse our Spotlight Gallery for inspiration!
📚 What We're Reading
- Recycled Plastic Won’t Solve Tech’s Waste Problem – The Verge
- Time to Upgrade Our Successful Bottle Law – Boston Globe
- Trash Increases During the Holidays – Center for Biological Diversity
- Baker-Polito Administration Releases Final 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan – MassDEP
Happy Halloween 🎃 and see you in November!
The Recycle Smart MA Team at MassDEP