Season’s Greetings to our Recycle Smart Partners,

Our numbers are growing! In November alone, 53 new partners signed up, bringing our total to 168. Forward this email to two recycling enthusiasts and invite them to join us by clicking here.

As we all know, the holidays are a time when trash and recycling gets… interesting. Beyond increased volume, we also see a lot of food, holiday decorations and non-recyclable packaging ending up in recycling bins.  How are you spreading the word about proper recycling during the holidays? Below are some ways the Recycle Smart team is working to get the word out. Feel free to share any or all of these in your community.

Featured Blog Post: A Greener Holiday

Check out (and share!) this great blog post about how to Recycle Smart during the holidays. Kate, a local blogger behind the popular site, Domestikated Life, recently asked the Recycle Smart team all her pressing holiday recycling questions.  We are thrilled she decided to share everything she learned with her followers. (Kate has over 20,000 followers on Instagram, 3,000 on Twitter and gets around 3,000 unique visits per month to her site—impressive!)


Commuters along the MBTA Red Line learn about Recycle Smart Initiative

Have you seen the new Recycle Smart kiosk signs along the MBTA’s Red Line? A big thanks to our partners at MassRecycle for donating the ad space. These posters are at the Alewife, Davis, Porter, Harvard, Central and Kendall stations and reach millions of eyes every day! @MassRecycle

Holiday Recycling Social Media Posts

If you don’t already follow us on social media — ‘tis the season! We’ve been posting a lot of holiday recycling content on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Help us get the word out. Feel free to share, copy, or even re-make these posts to put your own spin on them.

Share Your Holiday Recycling Stories

What are the strangest things you’ve seen recycled during the holidays? Send us your favorite photos, social media posts, event pictures, videos, artwork, etc. at We’d love to hear from you!


The Recycle Smart Team at MassDEP